Thursday, August 11, 2011

Community Christian Church Interior III

In a remembrance by Don Sexton, he recalls a narration made by Madge Wardell, who was on the office staff for many years. She told this story in about 1968 or 1969. The date Mr. Wright visited is not known.

Madge Wardell was busy in the office of Community Christian Church one day when the custodian entered and said, "I need the key to the organ."

"Well, all right, but may I ask what in the world for?" she replied.

"Well, a Mister Wright wants it."

Puzzled, Madge asked, "Who is Mr. Wright?"

"Ma'am, I don't know. He says his name is Frank Lloyd Wright."

In relating the story, she said, "I lost no time in grabbing the key and running up the stairs to the sanctuary and down to the organ. And there he stood, Frank Lloyd Wright himself!"

"He said he wanted to hear the acoustics, so I unlocked the organ and turned it on."

"I sat down beside him as he played the organ and talked.." (I believe she said for about an hour)

She continued, "So I sat there with that old gentleman with the flowing white hair as he voiced his thoughts about the building. He thought that the acoustics were satisfactory. He said, 'I like what you did with the lighting at the balcony. It is better than my idea.' He expressed approval of the building as it was then completed considering the restrictions or materials due to the wartime and thought that under the circumstances it had turned out O.K."

Upon completion of the recounting of Ms. Wardell's story, Don Sexton goes on to comment, "She remarked of the pleasant visit, and indicated that Mr. Wright definitely approved of the building. This is contrary to the popular but untrue legend that Frank Lloyd Wright disowned the building."

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